This game was actually my father idea because we kept arguing that a shot hole supposed to be 8 or 9. So he said that any shot that below 50% touch the ring is considered as lucky shot. Sound kinda harsh, but this really help.
Here are the rules:
1. Every shot that below x.5 is counted 1 score lower
ex.8.2 = 7
9.0 = 8
10.4 = 9 <<<< this is the annoying part
2. If you can’t make sure where the shot land (maybe x.5 or below/above), its counted as 1 score below because the shot is considered as lucky shot (okay, that’s hurt)
3).Be Honest! Nobody gonna mad at you even you are really bad at this game. This game is about mentality anyway.
Sounds annoying, right? (Yeah, I agree) but think about it, if you could get better score with these rules, what happen without it? Of course better score (if you didn’t put same level concentration and focus, it’s not gonna happen)
The goal of this game is to teach you not to get satisfied by shots below x.5. Because It didn’t have guarantee that it will also happen at the match. And also proof that if you didn’t consider a shot below x.5 is good shot, which makes you try extra hard for better shot release technique. In other words, push you to your limit. The score in this game doesn’t matter, the point is whether you can or not handle the pressure. That means you win :D
And if you get used to it, your score wouldn’t be much differ with or without these rules. Maybe better… That prove if you FOCUS on it, you will OVERCOME it.After you try, please telling me what happen, I would be pleased to know.Care to try?